
Support for docstrings in makefiles

Sometimes it is convenient to use a makefile as interface to development workflows. The recipes are flexible, can depend on other targets and make provides tab completion.

With the script provided by this package it is easy to also get a help message describing important make targets. Look at the .DEFAULT_GOAL and bin/ targets in the makefile to see how to set it up. Once set up it could look something like

$ make
 help: Print help message

    check_all: Run all checks that have not yet passed
 check_format: Check format
   check_lint: Check lint
   check_dist: Check that distribution can be built and will render correctly on PyPi
   check_docs: Check that documentation can be built
   check_diff: Check that there are no untracked git changes
  check_tests: Check that unit tests pass
    check_tox: Check that unit tests pass in multiple environments
  check_types: Check types

 fix_format: Fix format

 bin/ Update the script that generates the help message for this makefile
      build/docs/index.html: Build this documentation

One additional feature of this package is to export the docstrings in the makefile to other formats allowing them to be included in documentation. Look at the build/docs/index.html target in the makefile to see how to set it up. Once set up it could look something like the makefile page in the docs of this project.